Orange Insight

Every Day Transactions of Bitcoin Show Upward Trend

As per the information received from transactionfee.info the volume of transaction done each day of Bitcoin has been seen to…

China’s Slowdown Affects Apple, Nvidia, and Caterpillar

The slow Chinese growth has impacted the global businesses hugely. It can be seen from the disappointing results from construction…

Car Industry Investments Shrink in UK Due to Brexit Fears

The business climate in the United Kingdom is going through an unprecedented fear psychosis as the anxiety related to Brexit…

Alleged hackers stole evidence to hamper Mueller probe

Self-proclaimed Russian hackers have stolen all evidence in an attempt to discredit the investigation of an organization that is charged…

CIB Zeroed Down & Arrested 15 Suspects in Alleged $8 Million Taiwan Cryptocurrency Scam

Taiwan’s Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) has announced to have apprehended 15 suspects in Taipei for their part in an $8…